WINGHEAD F11 – Superior Performance Ultra High-Resolution Curved Array Forward Looking Sonar


NORBIT Subsea specialises in ultra-compact wideband multibeam sonars for subsea and surface platforms.

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WINGHEAD F11 – Superior Performance Ultra High-Resolution Curved Array Forward Looking Sonar

NORBIT introduced the WINGHEAD multibeam sonar platform to deliver unmatched acoustic performance and flexibility. The WINGHEAD F11 is an ultra-high-resolution forward-looking sonar that provides long-range images across a wide sector with exceptional range resolution. Its curved array receiver ensures both acoustic excellence and hydrodynamic efficiency.
Ideal for the most demanding tasks on ROVs and unmanned vehicles, the WINGHEAD F11 sonar excels in search and recovery operations and underwater threat detection, where image quality is crucial.

This case study presents the results of data collected in various places and in various ranges, Data was collected using NORBIT’s surface vessels or vessels of opportunity equipped with a standard NORBIT PORTUS pole mount and custom angle adjustable brackets.
Various targets were chosen to highlight recognizable objects and features at different ranges.

Read case study HERE