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NORBIT ASA is a Norwegian public limited liability company (ASA), established under Norwegian laws, with its tax residency in Norway and with its registered office in Trondheim.
NORBIT was listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange on 20 June 2019, under the ticker NORBT.
Information about NORBIT at Oslo Stock Exchange’s website: NORBIT at Oslo Børs

NORBIT has one class of shares, every share carries one vote and all shares have equal rights. The company does not own any own shares.

Share graph

20 largest shareholders

RankHoldingStakeNameCitizenshipType of account
17 091 32011.12PETORS AS – CEO Per Jørgen WeisethaunetNorwayOrdinary
26 164 4959.67VHF INVEST AS – founder Steffen KirknesNorwayOrdinary
36 086 7819.55REITAN KAPITAL ASNorwayOrdinary
43 602 9495.65DRAUPNIR INVEST AS – family of founder Steffen KirknesNorwayOrdinary
53 152 0894.94J.P. Morgan SESwedenNominee
63 104 7664.87The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NVIrelandNominee
72 397 4723.76AWC ASNorwayOrdinary
82 330 6283.66EIDCO A/SNorwayOrdinary
92 162 2863.39ESMAR ASNorwayOrdinary
101 112 9061.75VERDIPAPIRFONDET DNB SMBNorwayOrdinary
11858 4551.35Danske Bank A/SDenmarkNominee
12840 0001.32SONSTAD ASNorwayOrdinary
13726 2721.14Deutsche Bank AktiengesellschaftGermanyNominee
14698 8491.10SIX SIS AGSwitzerlandNominee
15695 3921.09J.P. Morgan SESwedenNominee
16671 9891.05USEGI ASNorwayOrdinary
17650 0001.02J.P. Morgan SESwedenNominee
18574 3710.90Danske Invest Norge VekstNorwayOrdinary
19500 0000.78State Street Bank and Trust CompUnited StatesNominee
20479 9960.75Saxo Bank A/SDenmarkNominee
Total 20 largest43 901 01668.86   
Other19 849 01131.14  
Total outstanding shares63 750 027100.00   
December 6, 2024

Analyst coverage

Jeppe Baardseth
[email protected]
+47 48 21 37 71

Marcus Gavelli
[email protected]
+47 24 02 81 12

Petter Kongslie
[email protected]
+47 24 14 74 96

NORBIT is followed by the analysts listed above. Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding NORBIT’s performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of NORBIT or its management. NORBIT does not by its reference above or distribution imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations.


Organisation number:

Date of listing:
Nominal value:
Shares outstanding:
Independent auditors:

Stiklestadveien 1
7041 Trondheim
Oslo Børs
20 June 2019
NOK 0.10
59 973 855
Per Jørgen Weisethaunet

Primary insiders

Companies listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange have an obligation to keep updated lists of primary insiders. NORBIT has registered its Board of Directors, Management, the company’s auditor and those responsible for financial administration as primary insiders.

An overview of the primary insiders is available at the Oslo Børs website: NORBIT at Oslo Børs