NORBIT Subsea specialises in ultra-compact wideband multibeam sonars for subsea and surface platforms.

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SEP Hydrographic invests in NORBIT Multibeam system

We’re excited that SEP Hydrographic have joined the NORBIT family, and we look forward to supporting their survey, inspection and engineering projects going forward.

SEP Hydrographic have invested in a second multibeam echosounder to support new and ongoing projects.
The NORBIT Subsea WBMS is a flexible, portable system offering both wide coverage and high-resolution. In the 700kHz mode, 0.5 x 0.5-degree beamwidth is achievable with a ping rate of up to 60Hz. With a swath of up to 210 degrees, the WBMS multibeam echosounder offers exceptional coverage even in shallow water, making it the ideal solution for nearshore cable and pipeline surveys.

The compact and straightforward nature of the NORBIT WBMS means SEP Hydrographic can facilitate rapid mobilisations of vessels of opportunity for nearshore survey projects.

Director John Sadler comments “The acquisition of a second multibeam means we can be more agile when it comes to urgent requests, as well as flexible to survey objectives, catering to both high-resolution and quick coverage requirements.”

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