To celebrate the end of the summer, Seabed (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) organised demo days on 6 and 7 September 2016.
Clients, business contacts and suppliers were invited to see new equipment in action: the NORBIT IWBMS integrated multibeam sonar, the inertial systems of Seabed, AML Oceanograhic X-series and sensors, the SubseaTech Catarob ATS-03 USV, the ilinks Mobile Lidar system and the Synergetik admodus USP PRO ultrasound density probe.
The survey vessel took participants into the busy port of Amsterdam for the demonstrations. On the cruise that was attended by Hydro International, Peter Koldgaard Eriksen explained the concept of the NORBIT multibeam sonar with inertial navigation integrated into the sonar facilitating fast and reliable mobilisation
Read full Hydro-International article here: Seabed Demo Days