Article: 3D Bathymetry via USV


NORBIT Subsea specialises in ultra-compact wideband multibeam sonars for subsea and surface platforms.

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Article: 3D Bathymetry via USV

Survey of Shanghai Bridge using APACHE6 USV with NORBIT iWBMS STX Multibeam Echosounder.
The Donghai Bridge, located in Shanghai, China, is a key component of the Shanghai International Shipping Center’s deepwater port infrastructure. Conducting underwater surveys of the bridge piers’ conditions for maintenance purposes is an operational challenge. The bottom of the bridge piers is immersed in water and can be eroded by the action of sand and gravel. Hydrodynamic scour caused by rapid water flow can create scour holes and compromise the integrity of the structure.
The full article was Written by Taxiya Wang from CHCNAV.
The article was published in Sea Technology Magazine in June 2022. 

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