NORBIT awarded contract for maritime environmental monitoring


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NORBIT awarded contract for maritime environmental monitoring

NORBIT today announces that NORBIT Aptomar, part of segment Oceans, has been awarded a contract from an undisclosed European governmental customer for delivery of the SeaCOP system for three multipurpose vessels. The scope under the contract also includes the recently acquired SeaDarQ software, to be integrated into the SeaCOP system. The value of the order is approximately NOK 10 million with revenue recognition in 2021 and 2022.

“We are very pleased to be awarded another contract for our SeaCOP Environmental Monitoring and Surveillance System, now also including our SeaDarQ radar processing software for small object and oil spill detection. We are happy to see that we are able to offer our clients a solution that gives them improved ability to detect and act fast in critical situations,” says Per Jørgen Weisethaunet, CEO of NORBIT.

The SeaCOP system combines remote sensing technologies like radar, infrared cameras and sonars, with state-of-the-art data fusion and artificial intelligence. The purpose is to give the user a situational awareness, information and tools to increase efficiency and reduce cost, at the same time ensuring the safety of people, the environment and marine assets.

For more information, please contact:
Per Jørgen Weisethaunet, CEO, +47 959 62 915
Per Kristian Reppe, CFO, +47 900 33 203

NORBIT is a global provider of tailored technology to carefully selected niches. The company’s business is structured to address its key markets; Oceans is offering tailored technology solutions to global maritime markets, Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS) is offering connectivity solutions for vehicle identification and tracking, and Product Innovation and Realization (PIR) is offering R&D services and contract manufacturing to key customers.

NORBIT is headquartered in Trondheim, Norway, with manufacturing facilities in Selbu and Røros, Norway and 14 offices and subsidiaries around the world.