NORBIT ASA – Disclosure of shareholdings


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NORBIT ASA – Disclosure of shareholdings

3 July 2024: Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement made on 2 July 2024 by Norbit ASA, regarding the completion of a private placement of 2,597,403 new shares. Upon registration of the share capital increase relating to the private placement with the Norwegian Registry of Business Enterprises (Nw. Foretaksregisteret), VHF Invest AS will on an entity basis be diluted to cross below the disclosure of holdings threshold of 10% as set out in the section 4-2 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. VHF Invest AS is controlled by Steffen Kirkenes. Following completion of the private placement and the registration of the share capital increase relating thereto, the aggregate holdings of Steffen Kirkenes, through VHF Invest AS (6,164,495 shares; 9.82%) and Draupnir Invest AS (3,602,949; 5.74%), will comprise of 9,767,444 shares, equal to 15.55% of the issued share and votes of Norbit ASA.

This disclosure is made pursuant to sections 4-2 and 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.