NORBIT Aptomar Wins Contract With The Norwegian Coastal Administration


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NORBIT Aptomar Wins Contract With The Norwegian Coastal Administration

NORBIT Aptomar has signed development contract with the Norwegian Coastal Administration to develop technical solutions that fully utilizes the MBR network (Maritime Broadband Radio) from KONGSBERG with sensor and tactical communication integration and data sharing independent of internet connection.

Industrial activity and vessel traffic is steadily increasing in the Barents Sea. Rough weather conditions characterize the area, and the limited visibility, sudden weather changes and probability of encountering sea ice represent great operational challenges to all industrial activity and contingency against acute pollution. Tactical collaboration, data-sharing and operational management need to function well despite long distances and limited communication infrastructure.

Remoteness, rough weather conditions, limited visibility, sudden weather changes, long distances and limited communication infrastructure is a great challenge for the maritime safety and contingency against acute pollution in the North.

The Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA), being a national department for coastal management, maritime safety and contingency against acute pollution, are located at the heart of the communicational challenges in the North. They require ad hoc communicational solutions that can avoid dependence on satellite links and wireless mobile broadband during operations in remote areas.

The Maritime Broadband Radio solution From KONGSBERG Seatex is a low-level, low-maintenance communication solution that provides vessels and their crew with a high speed digital communication channel that can carry a diverse array of operational information independent of internet. The scope of the development project is for NORBIT Aptomar to develop solutions that fully utilise the MBR network with sensor and tactical communication integration, and data sharing in decentralised operations. This will enables the Norwegian Coastal Administration to operate directly and independent of internet connection.

The project is planned delivered to the customer during Q4 2019.