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Share information

NORBIT ASA is a Norwegian public limited liability company (ASA), established under Norwegian laws, with its tax residency in Norway and with its registered office in Trondheim.

NORBIT was listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange on 20 June 2019, under the ticker NORBT.

Information about NORBIT at Oslo Stock Exchange’s website: NORBIT at Oslo Børs (external link)

NORBIT has one class of shares, every share carries one vote and all shares have equal rights. The company does not own any own shares.


NORBIT shares are registered in the Norwegian Central Securities Depository (VPS). DNB is one of the registrars in VPS and has been selected as NORBIT’s account manager.

Security Services
Dronning Eufemias gate 30
N-0191 Oslo
Tel.: +47 23 26 80 20
E-mail: [email protected]

Facts about NORBIT

Organisation number: 992718196
Address: Stiklestadveien 1
7041 Trondheim
ISIN: NO0010856511
Ticker: NORBIT
Listing: Oslo Børs
Date of listing: 20 June 2019
Nominal value: NOK 0.10
Shares outstanding: 56,786,918
CEO: Per Jørgen Weisethaunet
Independent auditors: PwC