Invitation to presentation of results for the third quarter of 2020


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Invitation to presentation of results for the third quarter of 2020

Trondheim, Norway, 20 October 2020: NORBIT, a global provider of tailored technology to carefully selected niches, will announce its results for the third quarter of 2020 on Wednesday 28 October 2020.

The results will be available from 07:00 am CET at the company’s homepage, and Oslo Stock Exchange’s news site,

CEO Per Jørgen Weisethaunet and CFO Per Kristian Reppe will present the results from 10:00 through a webinar hosted by Sparebank 1 Markets. To participate, please register for the webinar by using the following link:

A recording of the webinar will be made available from the company’s website.

For more information, please contact:
Charlotte Knudsen, IR & Communications, +47 9756 1959

NORBIT is a global provider of tailored technology to carefully selected niches. The company’s business is structured to address its key markets; Oceans is offering tailored technology solutions to global maritime markets, Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS) is offering connectivity solutions for traffic systems and truck applications, and Product Innovation and Realization (PIR) is offering R&D services and contract manufacturing to key customers.

NORBIT is headquartered in Trondheim, Norway, with manufacturing facilities in Selbu and Røros, Norway and 12 offices and subsidiaries around the world.